Big Butt

“You’ve got a big butt.”  No, Jacky has never said that to me.  He’s a lot smarter than that.  Actually, many years ago when I was working with a student in a self-contained special ed class another student said that to me.  I can’t remember why he was mad at me, but that’s how he got even.  My friend, who taught children with visual impairments, and I were team teaching at the time.  That was probably a wasted day for the student we were supposed to be helping but it sure lightened up our day. We still talk about that.

Later on the same day that he told me I had a big butt I guess he decided he needed to apologize so he said, “Mrs. Brown, you’ve got pretty shoes.”  Again,  Joanne and I could barely keep it together.  You know, now that I think about it, I believe that he was not a student with a disability after all.  He should have been in gifted and talented. 

I have always wished for a daughter or a sister who actually would tell me when something makes my big butt look bigger.  Honestly, how many of you have left the house thinking you looked pretty good and then seen your reflection in a glass door or mirror at a store and wanted to run and hide?  If I am trying on clothes or planning for something big I will facetime a friend.  I’ve even gone so far as to videotape myself so that I can see how something looks from behind.  If you do this,BE SURE TO IMMEDIATELY DELETEsaid video or photo immediately!

You know now there is another problem. Do I look like this is something my mother would wear or do I look like I’m trying to be 20? Too much to think about. I do have a little trick I sometimes use. I have a friend who is the same age and about the same size so I just ask myself what I would think if I saw her wearing it.

There was really no point to this post, just a funny memory and maybe a tip about using technology to keep from scaring yourself in the mirror. 

I will leave you today with the Aaronic blessing.

“‘“The Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make his face shine on you and be gracious to you; the Lord turn his face toward you and give you peace. ”’
Numbers 6:24-26 –

2 comments on “Big ButtAdd yours →

  1. I think we have all been out, looked in a mirror and thought “oh my, is that REALLY how I look?”.
    Sad how much we place on looks….we are all beautifully and wonderfully made!

Let me know what you think.