“Blessed by the Best”

My Ruidoso friends may remember this from Bobby Romero. Bobby was the assistant chaplain at the Race Track Chapel when we began going to church there about 5 summers ago. I still remember the mornings when I would drive up to the chapel and see Bobby. Anytime someone asked him how he was doing he would always answer, “I’m blessed by the Best”. Bobby passed away a couple of years ago and I still miss seeing him and hearing him say that. I wish that he could have seen the new chapel and prayer garden. He would have loved them.

Here’s the story though that I didn’t understand at the time. I didn’t realize the health issues that he had. I didn’t know the struggles he was going through until he had passed away, but I didn’t know because of his attitude: Blessed by the Best. It wasn’t just that he said it, but I could tell he meant it just by the smile on his face and his demeanor when he gave that answer. He really believed it.

I want others to see that in me. I don’t want them to see my aches, my fears, my self-doubts, my regrets, my resentment, my anger, my impatience, my jealousy or any of that negative baggage we all carry. I want them to see that I know that I am blessed by the Best. We are all blessed in so many ways but do we really acknowledge that?

I’ve written a couple of times in past posts about being thankful and it really is something I’m becoming more and more aware of. I read the book, “A Thousand Gifts” by Ann Voskamp a few years ago and at the time I remember thinking that I did have a lot to be thankful for but I didn’t really take to heart what she was saying. I’ve been thinking about that book lately and I think I need to reread it.

This is the day that the Lord has made. Let us rejoice and be glad in it. Psalm 118:24

Bobby probably never knew that those words made an impact on me. That is so encouraging to me though. Even when we may feel like we are just going through the motions and what we do or say doesn’t matter, it really does. I take heart in that and I am thankful that I am indeed “Blessed by the Best” and so are you, my friends.

2 comments on ““Blessed by the Best”Add yours →

  1. We are Blessed by the Best. Living in a state of GRATITUDE will be life changing. If you have a personal relationship with Jesus then you have everything. Thanks for your words Candy. I’ve been Blessed by the Best and you are truly one of my blessings. Miss you.

  2. Good message to think about, really appreciate your words. I know I’ve had a “Bobby” in my life.

Let me know what you think.