Common Courtesy

I’m going to go on a little rant today. Sorry. Today on the way home at about 5:30 pm there was a wreck on 1 of the main streets where I live. Of course traffic was backed up and creeping along. To make it even slower there is road construction going on. There was a day care center on the southbound side of the street. A car was in the middle lane with his blinker on to turn into the daycare out of the north bound lane. It’s a 4 lane street. I stopped and waved for him to turn in but he couldn’t because the cars in the lane next to me wouldn’t stop to let him in. Have I mentioned that we were creeping? I mean no one was going to get anywhere very fast. I really was dumbfounded. Why are people so rude? Not only did they not stop but then cut in front of me in my lane to probably gain 500 feet. Really?

Joyce Meyer is always making jokes about people with a fish sticker on there cars with road rage. I started looking to see what kind of stickers were on those cars. Luckily I didn’t see any with fish stickers or “honk if you love Jesus”.

Sometimes I think that we think we are invisible when we are driving, that God and no one else sees us. It’s kind of like anonymously posting something bad on social media,

Once again, just be nice. When you are in a traffic jam or trying to get out of a busy parking lot after a concert or sporting event, let people in. It might take you 10 seconds longer to get where you are going but it might just make someone else’s bad day a little bit better.

“Therefore, as God’s chosen people, holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience.”
‭‭Colossians‬ ‭3:12‬ ‭NIV‬‬

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