

Let’s admit it. We are all control freaks…just some of us maybe more than others. We want to control our children (no matter their age), our spouses, our friends, the checker at the grocery store, traffic, just about everything. The truth is though we really have little to no control over anyone or anything except ourselves. Why then don’t I control myself?

I got the idea for this post this morning in yoga. The mantra for today was, “I am in charge of my health”. I really thought about that. I can be in charge of what I eat, exercise, what supplements I take, etc. I can even be in charge of my thoughts. So why don’t I take control? I pretty much let my emotions control what I eat, what I watch on TV, what I read, what comes out of my mouth, whether I exercise, and even how much I sleep, and especially what I think. The other day at Bible study we were discussing our need to read “The Word” and prayer. Nearly every woman in that group agreed that our days are so much better and more focused when we start the day with time with the Father, but we hit that snooze button, turn off the alarm, tell ourselves we will do it later and never get to it. It’s the same with exercise and eating foods that actually nourish our bodies. Tomorrow I will workout, tomorrow I will start that diet, tomorrow I will…whatever it is we think we should do.

I have struggled with sinus headaches and migraines for years. I know that sugar is a catalyst for both and I get off of it from time to time and am usually successful for several months and then I slowly let it creep back in. Why, why, why?

“Our spirit, soul, and body are not separated as if we can work on 1 part without developing the other…Our emotions are impacted directly by our thoughts. And our bodies carry the weight of our stress or joy. To be truly transformed by God is to invite Him into every facet of our lives…” Craig Denison, First 15

I wish I had the answer. It’s really a question of self-control. I can be in control of me. I need to remember that. I also need to remember how bad my head is going to hurt when I eat that brownie…and control that. It’s ironic, isn’t it that I think I know what my family or friends should do to better themselves but I don’t do the things to better myself?

I will say that after a killer headache yesterday, (see empty Oreo package from night before) I got up this morning and completed my Bible study, prayed, went to yoga, and have eaten “clean” today and I feel much better. It’s been a great day and I need to remember this feeling. I’m going to try to keep that mantra in my head, “I am in charge of my health” and see how that works. If any of you have any tricks you use to stay on track please share in the comments. I need all the help I can get.

You keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on You. Isaiah 26:3

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