
I have a sign in my kitchen that says, “I know how to cook, I just don’t”. For some reason since we moved to Tuscola (probably the key reason) I have started cooking again. Actually we do have a really good Mexican food restaurant in Tuscola called Cafe Cozumel. Anyway, I’m cooking again.

I thought I would give you a couple of easy recipes for the holidays and tell you about some cooking tips I’ve recently tried. Not only are they healthy but delicious too. These are probably best filed under, “I can’t believe she didn’t know that,” but in case you don’t know either here they are.

First of all, roasted vegetables. I guess I never roasted veggies before because I learned to cook from my mom and she never roasted them. Let me tell you, my family has been missing out. I use my cast iron skillet and roast just about any kind of vegetable there is. Holy cow! Roasting completely changes the taste. The key is to get your oven really hot–between 450 and 500 degrees. I put either olive oil or avocado oil in the bottom of my roasting pan and season my vegetables with a little bit of infused oil and season them with whatever I grab. Greek seasoning or Cajun seasoning are great but if you don’t want the heat use some herbs like sage, thyme, rosemary, etc. You don’t need to leave them in the oven for long, just until tender. I try to make a whole pan full of a variety of different vegetables and then they reheat really well in the microwave, warm oven, or on the grill if you are grilling some meat. Use fresh vegetables or frozen that are already cut up as a time saver.

The second thing is infused olive oil and vinegar. I started using a few a couple of years ago when I bought some at Noisy Water in Ruidoso but I’ve discovered a new restaurant in Abilene called “Cordell’s”. They serve lunch and have a huge variety of oils, vinegars, and spices. The great thing about them is that they are so knowledgeable and have recipes to share using their products. I may have to start carrying my own salad dressings made from their suggestions. Healthy fats and delicious. I went in the other day, told them what I wanted to make and they put several oils and vinegars together for me to taste and decide which was best. My cholesterol was a little high when I had my last blood work done and my doctor suggested I eat or cook with olive oil, at least a tablespoon a day so I’m happily following his advice.

Last night I grilled some shrimp and scallops that I marinated in butter flavored and blood orange olive oil with sicilian lemon vinegar and then seasoned with Cajun seasoning. Jacky said it was the best shrimp and scallops he had ever had and told me to write down exactly what I did so that I could repeat it over and over again! I had roasted some asparagus the night before and reheated it on the grill and we had a great tasting, healthy, light meal after all of the Thanksgiving feasting we had done.

My other recipe is for breakfast or for a party food. My mother got this from 1 of her best friends and it always gets rave revues.

Chile Cheese Eggs

2 cups of shredded sharp cheese (I use monterey jack)

4 eggs beaten

1 can green chiles

Combine and spread in an ungreased 8″ square pan. Bake at 350 for 30 minutes.

Jake says these are great reheated on a flour tortilla for breakfast.

I haven’t had much time to write lately but I will get back to it after the holidays. I hope you all had a great Thanksgiving and don’t forget to always be grateful, every day.

Enter His gates with thanksgiving and His courts with praise; give thanks to Him and praise His name. Psalm 100:4

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