Disgusted, Depressed and Disturbed

That’s how I feel right now and in talking with friends I think most of us feel that way. I am so saddened by recent events. I was definitely a Trump supporter and would continue to be if he were to remain as President. He is not so I will now support Biden. Why? Because I am commanded to in the Bible in Romans 13:11. “Let everyone be subject to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God.”  Read that again…”The authorities that exist have been established by God. ” Does that mean that I have to agree with everything our leaders are proposing? Of course not, just as I have never agreed with everything leaders do. I need to pray, write letters to our leaders, and talk rationally with those who’s views I oppose. Maybe I need to have conversations with those who aren’t Believers. Maybe I need to be bold in sharing the Gospel and maybe I need to listen to the reasons they think differently. I don’t believe that I’m going to win anyone over by sharing nasty memes of Nancy Pelosi, Joe Biden or Kamala Harris.

When Jesus was taken to the cross the Apostles and followers of Jesus didn’t try to overthrow the corrupt government of the time. They didn’t march, protest, and slander. What did they do? The prayed and they preached the Gospel. As Christians, I believe that God has given us this time to do just the same.

God has given me the word “light” as my word of 2021. My verse that I want to live by is Matthew 5:16 “Let your light shine before men in such a way that they may see your good and glorify your Father who is in Heaven.” Have we forgotten the Golden Rule? Please know that I am preaching to myself in this post. I’m not trying to call anyone out but if you are shamed by my words then please take heed. Ask for forgivenesss. God is always ready to make us as clean as the snow I still see out my window.

I will admit I haven’t always done the things I’m writing about but I’m trying every day to let go of anger, let go of pride, and be the person God wants me to be. I think we can all agree that our country is a mess. We are such a divided nation right now that it disturbs me greatly. I am one of those people who just wants everyone to get along. I know that isn’t ever going to happen but it still bothers me. I see so much hate on TV, social media, the news, etc. There has just got to be a middle ground that we can get to. I choose to believe that God will intervene. He always does. It probably won’t be the way I see it happening or even the way I want it to happen but He does answer prayers and He was and is in control. Nothing about this time is a surprise to Him.

This morning in my Bible study I told the story of God telling Abraham to sacrifice Isaac. Can you imagine? I can’t, but Abraham was obedient. He passed the test. One of the principles we taught was that God’s tests strenghten us in faith. What if God is testing Christian America right now? Will we pass the test or fail? I pray that we all pass.

Be a positive force for change. Most people don’t respond well to negativity. Contact our leaders, pray, and speak truth. Remember, Jesus told us that this world is a troubled place, but He has overcome. Don’t be ruled by Satan, be ruled by the lamb. Seek peace.

” ‘You shall love the Lord you God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all you mind.’ This is the great and foremost commandment. The second is like it, ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.'” Matthew 22:37-39

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