Do Not Let Your Hearts Be Troubled John14:1a

It’s really hard not to let our hearts be troubled right now in the middle of this Corona Virus pandemic. If you aren’t fearful of something I would love to know your secret. Some of us are worried about getting sick and dying or losing our loved ones to this new disease. I think we are all worried about our finances. We are fearful about our loved ones that we can’t see. We are fearful that this isolation and business closing is going to last for more months than we want to think about. We wonder if we will have a place to live when this is over, will we have a job, and on and on. I fear that if I do get it that I will unknowingly infect others.
I’ve done pretty well at keeping those anxious thoughts in check by giving them to God but on Palm Sunday they took over. I think it was a combination of 2 days of dreary cold rain, too much TV, too much news, and too much social media. I got up feeling fine, had my quiet time with God and then watched 2 church services online. I started watching a Facebook Live church service from the chapel at Ruidoso and could see friends online watching too and it dawned on me that I don’t know when or even if I will see my “summer” friends again. I just became heart-broken. Then, of course, I started worrying about my family. When will I be able to see them again? Are they even missing me? Are they just putting on a good face or are they struggling? I spent the afternoon laying in bed, watching TV and feeling sorry for myself and then feeling guilty for feeling sorry for myself.

When Monday came and the sun was out I spent a lot of time outside, in prayer, and being thankful. That helped. Most of the week I spent as much time outdoors as possible. For some reason the sunshine helps. Actually, it’s a scientific fact. As Easter approached I tried to keep my focus on the meaning of this season…the cross and the resurrection. The ultimate gift that no one deserves but is free for all of us. I have to admit I was concerned that Sunday would again find me curled up in a fetal position crying but my God is so much bigger than that. Staying in prayer, reading devotionals and truly thinking about what Easter really means kept that pity party away. I was sad that we couldn’t go to Denver as we had planned to see Clay. I didn’t get to see Jake or Madelyn and Jacky didn’t get to spend time with his mom but we were together and the Holy Spirit was in our house and our hearts as we worshiped.

I’m learning so much during this pandemic that I would have never learned before about myself, my faith, and my heavenly Father and His plans for me. I don’t know how this insane situation we find ourselves living in will turn out but I do know that no matter what I can have joy, hope, and peace from the only One who can truly give it. I hope you have the same.

Prayers to all of you who are struggling right now. It is real but you don’t have to do this alone. That’s not God’s plan. Remember that.

For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm youplans to give you hope and a future. Then you will call upon me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to youYou will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart. Jeremiah 29:11

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