Get Going

Get Going

I heard from some of you telling me how hard it was for you to motivate yourselves to workout too. I’m going to try to think of a way for us to connect to try to give each other the accountability that we all need. I will say you have to find something you enjoy doing. I loved doing Zumba when I lived in Stephenville, I went to some classes at the YMCA in Midland that I liked, and Yoga is so good for our age because it works on flexibility, balance, and strength. Look on YouTube and try different activities. Get a personal trainer if you need to, at least to get you started. Start a journal and write about how much better you feel when you’ve worked out. If you have a fat dog that you love, like I do, make yourself walk them to keep them living with you longer. Set a goal. My goal now is to get strong enough to be able to saddle a horse with 1 of Jacky’s heavy saddles so I can ride. No, I will not be saddling his horses for him.

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