So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.

1 Corinthians 10:31

You never know what’s going to give you inspiration. I’ve been going through a dark time. About 3 months ago we moved. It’s not unusual; we have had 14 different addresses since we got married. Several of those were just moves to a different house in the same town. Only 2 moves were more than 100 miles. I had made some really good friends in our last  move to Midland and just didn’t really see a reason to move but knew that Jacky really wanted to and we could sell our  house for a good profit.  In October we packed up again and moved to Abilene. I have about 3 acquaintances but no real friends here yet. The weather has been yucky and that has made it hard to get a barn built, fences up, landscaping, etc. so I’ve had a pretty good pity party going on. I have gained weight, gotten flabby, and just haven’t taken care of myself. I knew I needed to get back to healthy living and would eat right for a couple of days, work out or walk about once every 10 days, but just couldn’t commit. A couple of weeks ago I was watching a golf tournament on TV and they kept talking about this player changing his lifestyle, working out, and eating healthy. When they interviewed him he said he didn’t do it to improve his golf although that has been a bonus but to be a better father and role model for his kids. Now he is a professional athlete, probably 25-30 years younger than me but that did it. It triggered something in me that I need to do it to be a role model for my family, friends, and hopefully some of you readers. I’ve started back on Weight Watchers, am eating “clean”, and have started back doing yoga and walking. I can’t tell you how much better I feel and how much more energy I have. I’m thinking, “Yea, I remember why I used to do this.” I had knee replacement 2 years ago and have had a lot of issues with my back and used those as an excuse. There is no excuse for not taking care of yourself. If you can’t afford a gym there are tons of workout videos on YouTube, walking is free. Weight Watchers works for me because I need the accountability.  If you can, find a workout partner, that is the best way to stay hooked. Hopefully, I will soon make some new friends here who also want to be healthy. For now you guys are going to have to be my accountability. For today, here is a great breakfast recipe for Omelette in a Bag.   BTW, my cooking philosophy is that if the recipe uses more that 1 notecard (yes, my age is showing) I’m not making it.  

“If you wear out this body then where will you live?”

David Jeremiah

8 comments on “GETTING HEALTHYAdd yours →

    1. I need a workout buddy. I didn’t want to go to yoga this morning but since I posted on here that I was, I figured I had better go. I hate oigng by myself to workout. Miss you, my friend.

  1. I too am struggling to be consistent with exercise I want to be stronger and more more flexible. Thank you for sharing.

    1. I really struggle. Yesterday morning I got up and it was yoga day. I wouldn’t have gone if I hadn’t posted that I was going. If you haven’t ever tried yoga find some YouTube videos. It is so good for strength and balance. If you want we could be long distance workout partners. At least to be accountable. I know how competitive you are, so if I say I’ve worked out you would want to beat me. Lol. Let me know.

  2. I can relate to your struggles…I admire your ability to address it and move forward. Also, love the omelette recipe. Hang in there, friend.

  3. Oh so happy to see you here “westtxwoman”! As I get older the struggle with working out and food is real. The expectations of myself and the ability to reach goals grow farther apart! I’m trying to find a balance! Thank you for sharing!!

Let me know what you think.