Giving up my Anger

Giving up my Anger

In the last post I wrote about taking control of my reactions to my back pain. In case you haven’t read Dr. Sarno’s book yet I’ll say again you should give it a try. His assertion is not that we “work through ur pain” but that we ignore it. That’s what I try to do and it’s working.

He also asserts that our pain is the result of pent up anger, frustration, any negative emotion. After I read his book I tried to think of who or what I might be angry at. I really couldn’t think of anything. Like I said, I’m pretty quick to fly off the handle and everyone around me knows when I’m mad. Here’s the miraculous part of the story I promised. After I posted “Fearless” in which I talked about my mother’s travels and life and credited her with my independent spirit I got a text from a dear friend 1 morning. She said, “I loved your post about your mother. It sounds like you are in a good place with her now.” At first, I didn’t understand what she was saying but after a little reflection I realized I had been angry at my mother for many years starting with the beginning of her dementia. I was mad at her for giving up on life, for becoming addicted to Ambien, for being irrational, and for not being the woman I had known as my mother for 50 years. That realization was total freedom for me. The pain I had felt in my back was totally gone. I am rereading Dr. Sarno’s book now because i want it to really soak in. I have found a lot more information about his treatment and even found a YouTube audio’cast of a meditation that he made before his death.

I do hope that if you are suffering as I was that you will check out his book and find information to help yourself. There are quite a few physicians who prescribe to his methods so you might even want to seek 1 out. Just don’t give up. Live your life with the joy that God intended. Above all, move. Go outside and take a walk (when it’s cool enough) and enjoy all of the blessings you have.

“Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer.”
‭‭Romans‬ ‭12:12‬ ‭NIV‬‬

1 comment on “Giving up my AngerAdd yours →

  1. Love reading your journeys past and present. Change is hard for all of us, as well as taking a real look at ourselves and why we do/react to certain things in life.
    Love you sister! Thank you for sharing and helping us with our own.

Let me know what you think.