God’s Sugar

God’s Sugar

I help with a children’s ministry at Ruidoso Downs Race Track Chapel during the summers. It’s called Kids Klub. The way I describe it is a summer long VBS. We do a little more than learning God’s Word. We also have cameras that we teach the kids to use, we have art lessons for our older kids and robotics. I plan on having the older kids edit their own photos this year for the calendar we put out at the end of the summer. We have some budding photographers for sure.

This year another volunteer, Alejandra Ramirez is working with our older kids and teaching them also that we are commanded to take care of our bodies. If you don’t know her she is beautiful inside and out so we should all be taking a lesson from her.

She talked to all of the kids about how bad processed food and sugar in particular is for us. I had left the room for a couple of minutes and when I returned this is the lesson I got from 4 year old Renata. “I’m eating an orange. It’s got just a little bit of sugar but it’s ok. It’s from God.” He is right. It’s that simple. God gave us in its purest form what we need to out in our bodies. His 6 year old sister, Salma told me today that I need to bring some celery for snacks. Can you believe that?

I did have a relapse a few weeks ago though. It’s like once I start I can’t stop. I can’t remember what I initially ate, maybe a cookie or a desert at a restaurant. By the time I went to bed that night I had finished off about 10 Oreos and a Little Debbie Fudge Round, and I don’t even like fudge rounds! I’m back on track now, getting my sugar fix from “God’s sugar” and my body is much happier. I’ll say it once again…if you are struggling with aches and lethargy try getting off of sugar and see if it helps. Who know? You might even drop a couple of pounds!

I’ve written before about how bad processed sugar is for us…but it’s so good, isn’t it? I’ve done pretty well this summer though and I do feel better. It’s helped that I am accountable at Kids Klub. I don’t want to be a “do as I say, not as I do” teacher for them.

And he took the children in his arms, placed his hands on them and blessed them. Mark 10:16

1 comment on “God’s SugarAdd yours →

  1. Kids Klub is an amazing thing for our Ruidoso kids! It is wonderful what these volunteers do for the children. God bless them and His precious children!

Let me know what you think.