Graceful Aging

Graceful Aging

A friend of mine suggested this for a post. I tried to get her to write it so maybe she will at least help me edit this. Some days I don’t really feel like I’m aging too gracefully but I have some awesome mentors that I’m looking up to.

My mother-in-law is probably the best resource I have. I think she is probably healthier and in better shape than Jacky or me. Holy cow! She stills does all of her own yard work and her yard is beautiful. She walks every day and I don’t think she takes any medications. Her husband is the same way. Unfortunately as I write this he has begun radiation treatments for cancer on his neck but I seriously doubt he is going to let it get him down. A few years ago he got part of his finger caught in the hay bailer and cut the tip off. He wrapped it up in a shirt he had in the cab of his tractor and finished his bailing, got back to the house after dark and let Janie clean it up and then went to the doctor the next day. The doctor advised him to take pain medication and he told him he didn’t need any and didn’t even get his prescription filled.

There is a fountain of youth; it is you mind your talents, the creativity you bring to your life and the lives of people you love. When you learn to tap this source, you will truly have defeated age.” Sophia Loren

You know the saying, “You’re as young as you feel,”? I think there is a lot to that. I think you have a choice about aging (notice I will not use the word “old” or the phrase “getting old”). You can decide that you just can’t do what you once did or you can keep doing those things, maybe not quite as well, or you can find new hobbies and activities.

Here in Ruidoso I have been fortunate to meet a group of women at the race track who are my role models now. Honestly, these women are the most gorgeous women, inside and out! They are so well put together…hair, makeup, clothes, jewelry, accessories, the whole nine yards. More than that though, is their attitude. They have a ball! Some of them, sadly are widowed but some still have their husbands. It doesn’t matter. They are everywhere…I see them all over town. If I hear a lot of laughter I always look to see if it isn’t them. They play golf, they walk in the mornings, they travel, play bridge, paint and bet on the horses. Most of all they just enjoy life.

When we moved to Midland, I played golf with a large group of women in their 80’s and they were the same way. They just didn’t let anything stop them except maybe the West Texas wind. I’ve recently made a new golfing friend who is in her 80’s. She is a good golfer and she does yoga. I went to a class that she was in and believe me, I couldn’t keep up. Several times I had to rest in a restful pose and looked over and she was doing everything the leader was doing.

This is what these women have taught me. Get up, put on your makeup, fix your hair, get dressed up and go have fun. There is no age limit on fun. Yes there are stylish clothes out there for all sizes and ages. Have a drink or 2 or 3. Find something that gives you joy and enjoy life. My friend Phil Stroud told me 1 time that nowhere in the Bible does it say we aren’t supposed to have fun and I’ve decided that is the key…have fun.

but those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.
Isaiah 40:31

3 comments on “Graceful AgingAdd yours →

  1. I believe you are close with your analysis but I would add Love! You have fun when you are with people you love, doing things you love and in a place you love. Love your neighbor, your family, your spouse and your Lord! Live with love in your life and fun in your heart!❤️

Let me know what you think.