I haven’t written anything lately because I choose to write positive posts that hopefully give you a laugh, make you think, or give you encouragement. It’s been hard lately. Everywhere you turn it seems like there is doom and gloom. Riots, protestors, CoVid19, businesses being forced to close, political rancor, and the list goes on and on. I also choose not to get into political debates on this site so I will keep trying to take the higher ground.

I got off of Facebook for a while and now I usually just scroll past anything that looks ugly but I get sucked in from time to time. I also don’t watch the news anymore because quite honestly I don’t think it matters who you watch, it’s so slanted that who knows what is truth and what is propaganda. Maybe if we would all quit watching and reading their ratings would go down so far that they would figure out that all we want is fact, not opinion.

The main thing I have done though is to seek hope in Christ. After all, that is really where our true hope lies. There will always be evil in this world. Adam, Eve, and Satan made that happen but this world isn’t my forever home. That is where our true hope lies, and if you have been saved it’s not a hope but a truth. I pray that everyone who reads this knows that. If you don’t, please message me.

“God’s help is near and always available, but it is only given to those who seek it.”

Max Lucado

We are not promised an easy life here on earth. Look at how Jesus and the Apostles were treated. What makes us think our lives would be better. The truth is though, that an imperfect world gives us the opportunity to seek a helper to get us through and the assurance that this is not all there is. There will always be evil in this life but as a Believer I can choose to be the best person I can be, knowing that I am not always what God wants me to be, but that I am forgiven. That’s really all any of us can do…the best that we can. There are so many haters in the world right now, and it’s hard not to be one myself but I’m trying, trying, trying, and praying, praying, praying not to be. I ask each of you reading this to do the same. Let’s all take a look inside ourselves and choose the high road.

Read the Bible, find an uplifting devotional, pray and find a church that preaches eternal hope. You feel much better. I know I do.

I consider that our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us. Romans 8:18

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