
I’ve tried over the years to journal but first of all by the time I go to bed, I’m tired and want to go to sleep. More importantly I’ve found that usually when I did journal it was only about the bad stuff that was going on. I’ve gone back and read some of them over the years and thrown them away because I didn’t want anyone else to read what I had written.

I started a prayer journal a few years ago when I decided to give up an hour of sleep for Lent and wake up early to pray. I asked friends and family for prayer requests and wrote them all down in my journal so that I could address each one. I went back about a year ago and was so encouraged by all of the answered prayers. As is the way with God, some of them may not have been answered in the way we wanted but then His ways are so much better, aren’t they? Anyway, because my memory is so bad I now write down when anyone asks me to pray for something. I also write down my own prayers.

I will be honest. I don’t open my prayer journal every day but just the process of writing them down helps me to remember who and what I need to be praying for. I mentioned this in my Bible study the other day and another friend said she was going to try it to. I hope you will as well. You will be amazed at the blessings you will received from praying for others and seeing those prayers answered. If you are struggling with something there is no better way to get peace of mind than to pray. As I wrote in my last post we are not in control so give it to the One who is. He already knows what you need anyway.

I haven’t always been a praying person because I thought God had more important things to be tending to. I didn’t really know God or His love and power. For about the past 10 years I have been a prayer warrior and oh my what a difference it has made in my life. If you think you need someone else to pray for something or someone in your life get in touch with me and I will gladly add you to my prayer journal.

Praise be to God, who has not rejected my prayer or withheld his love from me!
Psalm 66:20

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