Look Up!

Look Up!

Those 2 words have so much meaning in them but the sermon I heard last week added a new one.  The pastor’s message was on missions.  When we think of “missions” we think of going to a third world country and maybe building a house or a church, drilling a water well, providing medicine, etc. but we can have a mission right where we are.  Again, I’m thinking, and so are you, about maybe building a house, donating to a food bank, or donating coats and blankets.  Yes, those are all worthy missions and we need to get involved in them either physically and/or financially but what he was saying we should look up from is our cell phones.  Ouch!  That hit home with me and I would imagine about 99% of those who heard him.

Why do we think it’s ok to be looking at our phone while our wait person tries to take our order?  How rude!  Or even worse we look at our phone in the company of family and friends.  I didn’t used to be this way.  I used to put my phone on silent and leave it in my purse or car while I was at a meal with friends.  Am I Superwoman waiting on some text message telling me to go save the world during that meal?  Shame on me!  How are we, as Christians going to share the message of God’s mercy and Jesus’ saving blood if we are looking down at a text, Facebook, Twitter, SnapChat, etc.?  Maybe I should look up at the people around me.  Does that waitperson look tired, sad?  Maybe they need an encouraging word or a prayer.  Maybe they just need to be noticed.

My BSF leader often says that we need to quit looking at our own bellybutton and look up to see those around us.  Quit lamenting my problems and try to help someone else with theirs.  I listed to a podcast by Trey Gowdy yesterday.  It was his podcast from November 3 called, “Nothing to do but Wait”.  I encourage you to listen.  In it, he talks about how Republicans aren’t clearly stating their message and explaining why they believe it.  It made me think the same about myself and other Christians.  We are exactly the same.  I may pray for my neighbor to “see the light” but do I actually talk to them about the 1 true light?  I have got to be bold.  Every day I am 1 day closer to dying, 1 day closer to Jesus’ return.  What am I waiting for?  I must look up!

For God, who said, “Let light shine out of darkness,” made his light shine in our hearts to give us the light of the knowledge of God’s glory displayed in the face of Christ. 2 Corinthians 4:2

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