Missed Opportunities

In 1 of my first 2 blogs I said that I would have done some things differently when we were hauling the boys to jr. rodeos.  The main thing would have been putting God first and how that might have looked.  We fell into the trap of putting our boys before God. That is such a hard thing that God asks of us, but He only commands us to do what is for our own good. I wish I would have taught my boys to pray.  We should have prayed as a family about safety, keeping a positive attitude, whether to buy horses or not, etc.  I wish I had taught them that God cares about those things.  I missed out on an awesome opportunity to teach them that God cares about every little thing we do.

  A couple of years ago when Clay was interviewing for jobs I asked him if he had prayed about it.  He said he thought God had more important things to worry about.  I used to think that way too, but how can we let Jesus be the boss of our lives if we aren’t praying about everything?  We all limit God to what we know as humans and don’t allow His Greatness and omnipotence to really sink in. 

I still don’t pray about everything that I should, but I am a work in progress.  I try to do better today than I did yesterday and better tomorrow than I have done today. 

This was a question in my BSF lesson on January 30. “Is worship of God central to your identity, priorities, motives, plans, and pleasures?” I don’t know about you but that gave me a jolt. It hasn’t always been, and if I’m honest it still isn’t on most days, but as the song says, “God’s still workin’ on me.” I’m trying.

Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.  Philippians 4:6

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