My Thoughts on Corona Virus

My Thoughts on Corona Virus

I try not to write anything controversial and for the most part want to stay light-hearted in my writings but I feel like I need to say a few things here that you may not agree with and may not want to hear. I will admit that when this whole thing started a few weeks ago and started ramping up I was pretty skeptical and thought it was “much ado about nothing”. It still may be but the virus is real, a lot more people are infected than what we think, and there are people who will get it and will be critically ill and may die.

We feel anxious, fearful, out of control, and uncertain so what are people doing to combat those feelings? I myself have found solace in prayer, reading God’s word, and staying in contact with others who are looking to God for answers. I’m also trying to keep myself busy, even with things I don’t enjoy such as bookkeeping and tax prep. I don’t really think that buying enough toilet paper and paper towels to last for over a year is going to make me feel any better. Fortunately, I have enough elk meat in the freezer to last for several months and my pantry needs to be cleaned out anyway. I know not everyone has the luxury of having meat in their freezer but I’m pretty sure most of us has enough food in the pantry to last for at least a couple of weeks. If you don’t and money is short please reach out to your friends, local church, food banks, etc. There are resources and people who want to help you.

I’m not making any more trips to the grocery store unless it’s for milk or eggs. Every time we buy something that we don’t need right now, but “just in case” we are depriving someone who needs it now. Their “just in case” may be today. Hand sanitizer does not get your hands nearly as clean as washing with soap and water, so wash your hands when that is an option instead of getting out the little bottle of gel.

Stay home if you can. None of us likes this and we surely don’t like being told what to do but my feeling is, the sooner we start distancing ourselves and staying away from each other as much as possible the sooner this epidemic will be under control and the sooner we can get back to “normal”. Just think of all the money you are saving on eating out, gas, entertainment, etc. There isn’t a single one of us who isn’t being hit hard financially. If you want to help someone who is unable to work now such as your hair stylist, chiropractor, waitress, etc. every time you eat at home maybe think about sending them what you would spend in tip money via Venmo or send them what your whole meal would have cost if you had eaten the same thing at a restaurant.

I think what I really am saying, and could have said in a couple of sentences is this:

1 Be kind and think of others who are struggling a lot more than you are. There is always someone worse off than you.

2. Be socially responsible. Stay away from others as much as you can. If you are out, stay a safe distance away. Even if you don’t think you are infected they may be.

3. Quit going to the store to buy things you don’t need. Leave them for someone who does.

I will step down off of my soapbox for today. Again, I will say that I am not on Facebook except to post this and share so if you have comments, please leave them at the bottom of this page.

Prayers for all of you, sick or not, out of work or not, disagreeing with me or not. Pray for all of our leaders, medical personnel, and first responders. They have a heavy weight on their shoulders.

If you are struggling with anxiety and fear I invite you to read any of the Psalms (I have found great comfort in them in times of trouble), listen to music, read a good book, listen or read to a daily devotional, write down all of the things you have to be thankful for, go outside and work in your yard, take a walk, or just sit and listen to nature. For goodness sakes turn off the news and watch an old sitcom, movie, or binge watch something. Yes we need to remain informed but watching the news for hours on end is NOT going to lift your spirits

Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good;
    his love endures forever. Psalm 118:29

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