My “to do” list during CoronaVirus shutdown

I’ve been whining as loud as anyone about all of the shutdowns because of this pandemic. This morning, as I prayed, I came to have a new attitude toward it. I haven’t ever been scared of getting sick from it and I don’t really know if I should be, but I choose not to live in fear. I know that I’m not supposed to live in fear. I’m supposed to trust in God so when I feel fear creeping in I pray.

Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid. John 14:27

I’m praying for those who are infected to be well. I’m praying for those who had invested in sporting events with all of their practice time and hard work and must feel terribly depressed. I’m praying for all of those vendors who depend on people at sporting events, concerts, etc. for their livelihood. I’m praying for scientists and doctors to quickly find a vaccine or drug which this virus will respond to. I’m praying for those who are fearful to put their trust in God. I’m praying for our leaders to make wise choices. I’m praying that God uses this to bring the save the lost. I’m praying for the stock market and oil prices to come back.

I am a major whiner, though. I realize that I shouldn’t be. I’m really not too affected by COVID-19 right now. I don’t have children who have had their dreams dashed and all of their work on stock show animals be for naught because of the Houston Stock Show cancellation. No one that I personally know has the virus right now. My family isn’t personally affected by cancelling college athletics, which those athletes have been putting in hours and hours of practice to be told to “go home”. I don’t have any family in a nursing home that I can’t go to visit and check on. I do have a couple of small trips that may have to be cancelled and my Bible study group will be having virtual meetings for the next couple of weeks, at least. I am extremely concerned about the stock market and the price of oil, but there is nothing I can do to change them.

I said that my attitude has changed and this is how: I realize I need to be more compassionate and empathetic with those who are affected and fearful. I also have realized that I need to use this time when life is going to be in “slow down” mode wisely. So I’ve made a short term plan to keep me busy and productive.

I love lists. I think most of us do. When we make a list then check things off it gives us a sense of accomplishment. I have made a list of 10 things to do during this time.

  1. Spend more time in prayer and Bible study.
  2. Finish getting my tax planner completed and sent in to our CPA.
  3. Finish the 5, yes 5, books that I currently have going.
  4. Write letters to my family telling them how much I love them and appreciate them. Real letters that I put a stamp on and mail.
  5. Call my friends instead of texting.
  6. Try some new recipes. (This will scare Jacky.)
  7. Walk June (my dog) every day.
  8. Work on my short golf game.
  9. Clean out my closet.
  10. Clean out our storage shed.

I actually thought of some more things while typing this but I’m going to remain optimistic that this shutdown will be short-lived and I won’t get to any more than those 10. Let me know what you would add to your list. I will be interested to see what others are doing.

And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to His purpose. Romans 8:28

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