Not the Way I Planned It

Not the Way I Planned It

I don’t know about you but any time there is some big event or holiday I plan in my head how it’s going to be. One of my friends says we all have these perfect “Norman Rockwell” moments in our head and it usually more closely resembles Chevy Chase’s “Christmas Vacation”. I thought I would share how our last Christmas wasn’t quite what I had planned. Either you can empathize and think, “Oh, we’re not the only ones”, or at least have a good laugh.

It all started with a burned turkey. I’m not talking a little overcooked, I’m talking burned to a crisp, black and crunchy. I had put it on the smoker early that morning, set the temperature to what the directions said and left it alone. I had just stepped out of the shower when Jacky started yelling like the house was on fire. I ran in the kitchen in my underwear to see what the heck was going on. We cut into it and it was so dry we nearly choked on it. Fortunately it was the Saturday before Christmas so Jacky went to Abilene and got smoked turkey at one of the bbq restaurants here and of course, we were late getting to Coleman. I had made dressing and giblet gravy already but I have to say, they weren’t the best I’ve ever made either. Thankfully, everyone else brought sides and desserts and we had homemade rolls from Shana’s Bakery in San Angelo. Not the way I planned it.

We have wanted to have Christmas in Ruidoso for several years and this was finally the year we were all going to be able to go. I went up on the 23rd so that I could go to the grocery store and get the tree up, etc. So far, so good. Clay got in that night without any travel trouble from Denver, but sick. Jacky came in the next afternoon with all of the presents, also sick. It snowed on Christmas Eve but not too much for the roads to get bad. That was the Norman Rockwell part. Clay and I made it to Christmas Eve service and then we all went out to eat. Everything was going according to plan, except of course for all the sneezing and coughing with every kind of cold medicine you can imagine and kleenex all over the house. Not the way I planned it an certainly not the way they planned it.

Christmas Day arrived. It was a beautiful day. We slept in and waited for Jake and Madelyn to get there that evening. I put the prime rib on to cook and realized we didn’t have a meat thermometer there but we could wing it. Made the sides and waited for everything to cook and everyone to arrive. I didn’t burn the prime rib but I will say those who like their meat rare definitely got their wish. Not the way I planned it.

Jake, Madelyn, and Arnie (their dog) made it safe and sound in time for the rare prime rib but Jake didn’t eat much because he had a toothache. We all opened presents, visited, and had a good night despite the coughs, moans, and groans.

The next morning I got a text and a picture from my housekeeper in Tuscola. The horses had gotten out and were in the front yard. No big deal, just knew my yard would have some surprises. She got them back in the pens and then noticed they had gotten into the deer corn. Definitely not the way I planned it. Jacky got a friend to go get them and take them to the vet but he was worried sick so he left before everyone was even up to go home. Again, not the way either of us planned it.

Clay got up and felt even worse than the day before and decided to go back to Denver to try to see a doctor there on Friday. Not the way he planned it. Jake woke up to excruciating pain and his jaw looked like it was broken it was so swollen. He ended up going to the ER in Ruidoso and getting some antibiotics. He took them on an empty stomach and spent the day not only in pain, but feeling like he would throw up at any minute. Not the way any of us planned it.

It all turned out ok in the end. The horses were fine, Jacky and Clay eventually got well and the rest of us did not get what they had. The antibiotics worked and Jake, Madelyn, and friends got to go skiing and enjoyed the rest of their week. It may not have been Norman Rockwell worthy but we spent Christmas together, everyone had more than they needed to eat, and most importantly everyone and everything was safe. We had a partially white Christmas and by December of next year I’ll be planning the “perfect” Christmas again.

For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” Jeremiah 29:11


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