Oh, My Aching Back

I think my grandmother used to say that. It’s kind of like saying, “Good grief.” Honestly, I don’t think my body is holding up so well but it’s the only 1 I have. I’ve had 1 knee replaced, I have some hip pain, my fingers hurt when it’s cold, and my back hurts just about every day. I’m sure most of you, that are my age, have a lot of the same aches and pains and maybe more.

After I had knee replacement my doctor put me on a prescription anti-inflammatory drug. I used to see a pain management doctor for my back and he put me on Celebrex itself. It’s a wonderful drug for pain but not so good for your liver. After some routine tests my primary care physician said that my kidneys and liver weren’t doing so well so I got off of it. My doctor has recommended that I take Theramine and CBD oil instead. I was already using CBD oil. I will be honest, they don’t give me the same relief as anti-inflammatory drugs but I prefer not to have organ damage. I admit, that every now and then I do take Aleve or some other otc anti-inflammatory, but not often. P.S. Don’t tell my doctor.

I’ve gotten back into yoga and I do a lot of different stretches I learned in physical therapy. Sitting is the worst thing we can do, so get up and move.

Get off of the processed sugar. “Sugar is evil” (borrowed quote). I know it’s hard, and it’s so tempting. I ate a lot of M&M’s and some cheesecake this weekend when some girlfriends and I had a weekend together. My fingers were so stiff yesterday and I know it’s the sugar. Your body will thank you.

I hope this helps some of you and if any of you have any other remedies, please let me know. I need all the help I can get.

‘He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away.”

Revelation 21:4

2 comments on “Oh, My Aching BackAdd yours →

  1. Great post and I agree totally about removing sugar from your diet. I first noticed an improvement with my hands when I first removed diet sodas & aspartame. If you haven’t tried Tumeric, it’s helping me. FYI

    1. I write these blogs usually a couple of weeks in advance. I don’t really like the taste of turmeric but since I wrote it I have found some turmeric tea at Natural Foods that I’ve been drinking and it actually tastes good. It also has ginger which is an anti-inflammatory as well as good for stomach. Getting old ain’t easy!

Let me know what you think.