Our Journey with the Lord

But because of His great love for us, God, who is rich in mercy, made us alive with Christ even when we were dead in transgressions–it is by grace you have been saved.

Ephesians 2:4-5

You know, when you aren’t doing the things that He has planned for you He has a way to get your attention. For Jacky and I that was cancer, the dreaded “c” word. I thought we were living a pretty good life. We hadn’t robbed any banks, none of us were on an episode of “Cops”, we weren’t on the FBI’s most wanted list. But looking back, boy was I mistaken. We went to church when it was convenient, I read a devotional every night before bed, and we prayed at every holiday meal. Sound familiar? We started praying, and fortunately a whole lot of other people did too. We are both ashamed to say that the morning before he went in for surgery at MD Anderson was the first time we had ever prayed together. We were both raised in church and we had both been saved but we hadn’t ever allowed Jesus to be the boss. I won’t say that we immediately changed but that was the beginning of our journey.

We started going to church every Sunday, had some counseling from our pastor, Werth Mayes, and started reading the Bible and doing a devotional together every night. About a year later we found out God had something more for us. We had never, ever considered moving to Midland. In the Spring of 2012, out of the blue, Jacky received a job offer from Apache, but it was in the Permian Basin. We said, if they offer you “x” amount we will go. They did. Then we said, if we can find a house that we like we will go. We did. I was spending a lot of time on the road to Big Spring already to try to “fix” my mom, so after a lot of prayers we decided that’s where God wanted us.

Oh what a blessing! We lived right around the corner from Bobby and Catherine Simmons and that’s where Jacky roped and kept his horse until we got stalls built. Within a couple of weeks after moving, we were over there for roping and then dinner 1 night and that’s when we met Phil and Revis Stroud. It was the first time I ever remember sitting with a group of friends and talking about the Lord. Phil and Revis have great stories and a deep love for the Lord. Phil became a mentor to both Jacky and Bobby. He had Jacky going to CBS (Community Bible Study) and delving into the Word. In the meantime, while at a Tech football game, out of the blue Sunny Orr said I should see if there was a BSF (Bible Study Fellowship) in Midland. I did. I remember how nervous I was the first time I went. I didn’t know a soul and I sure didn’t know much about studying the Bible. Those precious women of God took me in, taught me, listened to me, and loved me when I needed it most. One of the reasons I didn’t want to move to Tuscola was because I didn’t want to leave my BSF sisters and knew Jacky would miss all of those men from CBS. But God provides, doesn’t he? We now both attend BSF in Abilene and are able to discuss our lessons and what we are learning together. If you live in a place where you can attend either BSF or CBS I urge you to go. BSF has now made their lessons available to anyone. Go to https://www.bsfinternational.org/page/onlinebsf to find a satellite group or https://www.bsfinternational.org/ to find a group near you. Neither of us are where God wants us to be, but we are on that path. Yes, we still get off the path sometimes. I just want to say here that if you knew me before (when I was dead) please forgive me for the things I probably said and did to you. I hope that I am a different woman now.

I do want to add that we were blessed. Yes, Jacky is cancer free. God doesn’t do bad things to people. That is sin and Satan, but God does use the good, the bad, and the ugly to achieve His plans.

I want everyone I know to have eternal life with our Lord, Jesus Christ. I want you all to know the joy and peace, even in the tough times, that I have found. If you aren’t sure, or you want to make a change please reach out, if not to me then to someone you know to help you on your own journey. Blessings to you all.

6 comments on “Our Journey with the LordAdd yours →

  1. We are all blessed to have each other sister. We have each other to lean on in troubled times; to encourage, pray together and sometimes cry together.
    Love reading your words of life lessons and encouragement!

  2. I’m so blessed to call you my friend and sister in Christ. Thanks for writing this.

  3. Very moving to read this from you, I can identify. I am proud of your courage and commitment, keep the words coming.

  4. Thank you so much for writing these posts!! I love them and they help me so much!
    We miss you guys!

  5. So glad that God laid it on my heart to mention BSF to you and so glad that it has touched your life as much as it has mine! So blessed by our friendship!

Let me know what you think.