Perfect Timing

The past couple of months have made me extremely anxious.  We are living in such a troubled world right now.  You know, I haven’t been directly affected by Covid or by rioting and vandalism but both are deeply troubling.  Our politicians are at each other’s throats, there seems to be a race war in the streets, and people are dying and losing their livelihoods from Covid-19.  Some days it’s just too much.  Any day that we turn on the news it seems like there is a new disaster.  As I said in my last post, Satan is having a field day.

Here is the good news though.  We have an amazing God, who is still in controI.  The greatest blessing He gives us during these disturbing times is His Word.  The other night I had mistakenly watched the news before going to bed.  My mind had images of George Floyd laying on the ground, people wearing masks, and fires and looting.  Of course I couldn’t sleep.  I didn’t want to turn on the light and wake Jacky up so I looked in my notes on my phone.  I have a folder that is titled “Spiritual” where I put verses and quotes.  The first verse that popped up was this, “I consider that our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us.”  Romans 8:18.  Perfect timing.  Paul probably suffered as much as any human being since Jesus, in human form, for his beliefs and his desire to serve the Lord in spreading the Gospel.  He could see the big picture.  This is only temporary.  I closed my eyes and tried to imagine a world of perfection:  no hate, no disease, no death, no evil.  I can’t come close to imagining such a world but what a comforting thought.  I fell asleep and slept like a rock, probably a snoring rock.

A couple of days later, I again mistakenly watched the news in the moring before I spent time with Jesus.  Big mistake, but he so graciously was waiting for me.  That day’s devotional in “Jesus Calling” started out with this sentence.  “The peace tht I give you transcends your intellect.”  Wow!  Perfect timing, again.   The version that I have was written by Sarah Young in 2011.  Did she know  that on May 31, 2020 what a mess our country would be in?  Of course not, but God did when He put those words on her heart.  Don’t ever forget that God’s plans are perfect and that He is aware of what you need and when you need it.  I am grateful every day that I was saved by Jesus on that cross so that I could 1 day live in that perfect world with him.  I do have a lot of “why” questions but I have to remember until that time that I am a child of a loving, forgiving, omniscient and omnipresent Father and for me, right now, that is all that I need.

My advice to everyone right now is this:  Turn to our Father, pray for our country, our leaders, our doctors, and our friends and family.  Read the Bible and turn to God, not the news or social media, for answers.  His plans and His answers are perfect.  I hope you find the same comfort that I have.

Now may the Lord of peace himself give you peace at all times and in every way.  The Lord be with all of you.  2 Thessalonians 3:16

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