Prickly Pear

I saw a sign recently on a trip to Salado with my friend and mentor, Laree.  The sign said, “Find the beauty in the prickly pear of life”.  It made me think about thankfulness.

In BSF a couple of years ago when we studied the life of Moses we learned that grumbling is displeasing to God. Again, for a while I tried not to grumble but here it came, sneaking back in. My main grumbling at this time of year involves the wind. I’m really trying not to grumble (as much). I know that the wind serves a purpose in nature and that everything that happens is for a reason but here is how I’ve decided to be thankful for the wind. It makes me appreciate some of the beautiful days that we do have here. The other blessing is in watching the sunset after a sandstorm. Those sunsets are like God has painted the sky. 

I heard Dr Phil (yep, him) say that when we go home from work and complain about our jobs that we teach our kids that growing up and getting a job just leads to misery. It made me think about how much my boys probably heard Jacky and I complain about our jobs. It’s sad to me because in fact I really loved what I did. I can’t imagine a better career than as “the speech teacher”.  I also know that Jacky loves bringing a well in on time, solving problems, and being a drilling consultant/manager. 

Most of my friends know this move has been difficult for me and I have not been a happy camper. Y’all will also be glad to know I have quit complaining as much. I am thankful to be closer to Jake, my friends in Stephenville, and Jacky is able to spend time with his mom and his cows. 

Anyway, life is full of prickly pear, even if you aren’t fortunate enough to live in West Texas. Even prickly pear has beautiful flowers and my friend Ruth makes some pretty tasty prickly pear jelly, so find the good and quit complaining about the bad. (That’s the sermon to myself today). 

May the favor of the Lord our God rest on us; establish the work of our hands for us— yes, establish the work of our hands. Psalm 90:17

1 comment on “Prickly PearAdd yours →

  1. My husband and our sons make that jelly together in huge batches. I don’t like it but I love that they work together making something THEY love. And I love to look at the flowers when they’re blooming. 🥰

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