Snickers and Dr. Pepper

Why, you are asking, would a person who often blogs about healthy eating be titling a post “Snickers and Dr. Pepper”?The answer, my husband. When I said in 1 of my first posts that I hoped to give some inspiration, my family is really who I had in mind. So far though, they haven’t bought in.

Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast it is not proud. 1 Corinthians 13:4

For as long as I have known him, my husband, the infamous Jacky Brown, has had a Dr. Pepper and a handful of Snickers fun size bars for breakfast. Since we have moved, some days that is just an appetizer. There is a little store here that he tells me makes really good breakfast burritos so he stops there when he goes to the post office. (Long sigh here). He must have the metabolism of a superhero because he doesn’t gain weight. Not fair, I know.

I have tried to get him to eat healthy for years but his vegetable diet consists of green beans, corn, and potatoes. I am thankful though that he doesn’t make fun of me or even try to get me to eat the junk he eats. He is very respectful of my food choices for myself.

My boys are not much better. Actually they do like most vegetables but Jake has the same Dr. Pepper addiction as his dad. Clay is the best of the bunch when it comes to healthy eating. He doesn’t drink soft drinks, he likes chicken, (even when it isn’t fried), and he eats a lot of vegetables. He even cooks them for himself.

When I started on my food journey a few years ago, Clay came home from college and saw what I was eating and I told him about my new philosophy. He said, “Oh sure, now that we are gone you buy and cook healthy. You raised us on frozen pizza, corn dogs, and Hamburger Helper. Not entirely true, I also handed out a lot of packages of peanut butter and crackers. Clay now refuses to eat PB and crackers. Says I burned him out on them.

If I had known then what I know now, we would have had a lot more fruit and I might have used my crock pot a lot more. As busy as we were though, I am sad to say, I probably would have still fed them a lot of pizza and corn dogs. Sometimes you just do what you have to do.

I will give you a great recipe for carnitas that I found on Pinterest a few years ago. You can make it in the crockpot and eat it on corn tortillas instead of flour. Jake says it may be the best stuff I make.


2 comments on “Snickers and Dr. PepperAdd yours →

  1. Sounds like my sweet mama. She doesn’t do it daily but she loves Dr Pepper and Baby Ruths. 😘

Let me know what you think.