
As I write this, Jacky and I are in South Africa on a safari. This is his ultimate bucket list. I am thankful we are able to be here and have to say it is an amazing adventure.

In the past year I have realized how much of a complainer I am and I’m trying to replace my complaints with finding things to be thankful for. I’m a work in progress.

It is very hot here, and as our guide says, “It’s called hunting, not shooting.” Imagine the thickest forest or pasture you have ever seen and double it. That’s about what we hunt in. Twice Jacky has shot game and has had to track it over 2 miles. Yesterday, I honestly thought he was going to have a heat stroke trying to carry his kudu out. The farm we were on didn’t have many roads and the bush was extremely thick. It was the hottest part of the day, and to be honest, we didn’t have an exact idea of the path to take to the truck. Thankfully, we had 2 trackers and a really strong guide or I don’t know if we would have gotten it out.

Here is what I am thankful for here, besides the fact that we are getting to see a whole new world. I am thankful for these beautiful animals that God has created. I am thankful for these gracious people who are our hosts and helpers here. I am thankful for shade. I am thankful when there is a breeze. I am thankful for all of the sounds of the bush. It is amazing. It has made me think about my everyday life. The native South Africans are probably just like we are at home: so busy “living” that they don’t take time to see and hear the beauty around them, or to be thankful for it. We all just take our own surroundings for granted.

During Lent I started writing 10 things every day that I was thankful for. I’ve been told this over and over but it is so true that when you are being thankful you aren’t complaining. I hope that I can get that message into my head as a habit that when I start to complain I will turn my thoughts to how thankful and blessed I am. If you catch me complaining, please remind me of that. Help me to see the good. There truly is always something to be thankful for.

Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good; his love endures forever.
Psalm 118:1

2 comments on “ThankfulAdd yours →

  1. Looking forward to seeing all your photos from your trip! By the way I am so very thankful you came into my life and for our friendship!

Let me know what you think.