Too Much Sun

Too Much Sun

I think Jacky probably often thinks I’ve spent too much time in the sun and it has fried my brain. He’s probably right. This post though is about all of that damage my age group has done to our skin.

How many of you remember baking in the sun? Sunscreen…no way. How in the world would we get that great tan if we used sunscreen! In the past couple of years my arms have begun to look like I’ve been training to be an MMA fighter or something. I feel like I get bruises if the sheets touch my arms at night. I thought it had to do with the fact that I was taking anti-inflammatory medications, which I’m off of now, but my dermatologist said it’s from too much sun in my younger days. Well, poop! There’s really not much to be done about it but she has suggested a couple of things I will share if you’ve got the same issue.

The first one is a lotion called “DermMend”. You can buy it at CVS or Wal-Green’s but it isn’t with the body and hand lotion. It’s in the aisle near the pharmacy part of the store where the anti-itch medications and lotions for diabetes are. It’s kind of pricey so I only use it on my arms. It doesn’t keep the bruises from happening but they don’t seem to last as long.

The next one is also a lotion called “Medical Barrier Cream”. I get it at my dermatologist’s office and my primary care physician also carries it. You can buy it online on Amazon. It also is pricey though but man it’s great stuff to keep on hand. The receptionist gave me a sample and said it was good for burns or if you had a cut or scrape. I didn’t really think much about it and the next day I actually burned my hand when cooking. I didn’t have any aloe vera and remembered I had that sample. I tried it and the next morning my burn was gone.

I hope you guys have read this and thought, “well, I’m glad I don’t have those problems”. If you do though, give DermMend a try and if you can order some “Medical Barrier Cream” I highly recommend keeping it on hand.

One final thing I have to say: If you haven’t ever had a skin check by a dermatologist please do. Just like having a mammogram, colonoscopy, or any kind of medical exam it is vital to your health. Make an appointment asap and do so yearly. Someone our family dearly loves is currently undergoing radiation and chemo for what started as skin cancer (not melanoma). You can’t just wait and see…do it today. Also, use sunscreen. Use a lot and use it often.

Rejoice always, pray continually, and give thanks in all circumstances. 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18

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