Use Your Noggin ( 1 of the things my Daddy used to tell me)

For the Lord gives wisdom; from his mouth come knowledge and understanding.

Proverbs 2:6 

When I decided to try and start this blog I started researching about how to build a website, which website builders were easiest to use, etc. I finally decided that I would give it a try. There were tons of YouTube videos about making a website in “10 easy steps”, “build your website in an hour”, “follow these instructions for the perfect site”, etc. Well, those videos are not for 61 year old women who haven’t done much more than email and Facebook for the past 7 years. Holy Cow! It took me 3 days. I went to Ruidoso so that I wouldn’t have as many distractions which was a very good idea. An hour long video took me about 8 hours. I kept having to pause, rewind, try to see what their screen looked like and then find the buttons on my screen. They kept talking about “widgets”, “dashboards”, and “plug-ins”. Of course I knew what those were! A widget is a thingamajig, a dashboard is on the front of my car and a plug-in is where you plug in the lamp, right? It was a steep learning curve. I finally finished after 3 days of very little but working on that. I watched about 5 different videos and completely dumped and restarted 3 times. I’m not crazy about what I made, but it works and I’ll stay with it for now.

Afterwards, I started thinking about lifelong learning. I realized something I miss about working is continuing education. I loved learning new things to help my students. My thought here is, never quit learning.

There are so many things available to us online, through books, libraries, community colleges, etc. that we should never stop. As Clay told me when I thought he should be impressed that I had put up a website, “Mom, you can learn to do anything on YouTube.” Right now I’m trying to improve my photo editing skills. Our kids that come to Kids Klub in Ruidoso take photos with cameras provided by the Chapel all summer long and then we make a calendar at the end of the summer. Everyone loves the calendar and the kids are so proud. My goal for this summer is for me to be familiar enough with editing that I can comfortably teach them so that I don’t end up doing all of the editing myself.

I talked to my aunt the other day who has moved into an independent living community. She is learning to play MajJong. Find an interest and learn all that you can. We’ve got to keep our brains working, Use it, or lose it!

2 comments on “Use Your Noggin ( 1 of the things my Daddy used to tell me)Add yours →

  1. I feel much better now that I realize, I’m not the only person who has to look, look again, & ah man, Gotta look one more time!

    Learning should never get old and you are absolutely correct, there’s so much at our fingertips to find out about.
    So thankful you’re doing what you have on your heart, and sharing with all of us!
    Love ya! Rev

  2. Three cheers for lifelong learning! I couldn’t agree more. Good post, and a great reminder to ” learn something new “. It oftens opens the door to solving old unrelated issues with a fresh perspective.

Let me know what you think.